Friday, January 26, 2007

Setting Priorities

A friend reminded me of a little tool to organize priority of tasks...


You just write down things in the correct boxes and the start doing the things in the HIGH-HIGH box first.

I've been using this tool this past week and it's been great!

The question which arises is the order in which you tackle the boxes. Like I said above, of course HIGH-HIGH is first. But what is next? I prefer to put HIGH_IMPORTANCE/LOW_URGENCY next. I don't want the tyranny of the urgent (but unimportant) to crowd out things like reading, thinking, family time, etc.

Have you ever used this particular tool before? Has it been helpful? And what is that big ugly smudge on the graphic from my scanner? Sorry...


Anonymous said...

Okay, well first I would have to have a definition for Urgent and Important. I am pretty sure what I think is urgent or important is totally different from my loving spouse.

Allen Arnn said...

Right, I think the definitions are key. I guess you can define them in whatever way works for you personally. It could make for an interesting husband-wife conversation though!

Epoch Church said...

praying for you guys...and hope to see you soon in "the rock"...