Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Leadership Development Class

Our pastor is hosting a summer leadership development class for key leaders in our church. It's really great. Not only is it refining leadership skills in our leaders and potential leaders, but it is also clarifying our vision and values for these leaders and thereby creating more carriers of the vision -- more carriers of this multi-ethnic church virus.

Transmission of vision is never perfect, but it seems that when these 30 leaders dialogue weekly and face-to-face with the primary vision holder, the transmission has to be pretty good. It also helps that we aren't just discussing the theoretical but are digging each week into a real issue facing the church.

Among other things, today we talked about whether each leader in the group is a:

Which one are you? Are the other roles covered on the teams you are a part of?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i dunno why i'm always so behind that i have to read like, 5 days at a time .... oh well .... great pix. well, except that one from your first day @ mosaic - i'm a little bit afraid of that guy. you remind me of Doc in 'back to the future'....
sounds like you're having GREAT interaction w/ the other leaders there. really good stuff .....